Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Canon EOS 1000D

Canon has done it again. The EOS1000D is one camera that should be considered by amatures an pro alike.

This camera is really doing what it is supposed to do. Producing a very good image quality, very good high ISO performance. With a price less than RM2,000 with kit lense, it is a very good choice.

Well, I am not promoting Canon here, but when you find a good thing, you often wanted to share it with everyone. So, that is what I am doing now.

I really like the Olympus, especially the E520 but it just could not compete with Canon when shootig at high ISO.

I am not sure if you would believe me, but at ISO1600, the Canon EOS1000D is almost as good as the Nikon D90, which is alot more expensive.

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