Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Type Of Camera

I have read many reviews on the internet. There is no doubt that technology on a Digital SLR has really improve by a lot. And so do image quality. But, I still have my own preference when it comes to the layout of my Digital SLR of choice.

I like it to have a shutter speed dial, just like film SLR.

I like it to have a aperture ring, just like film SLR.

Of course, I would love and auto focus Digital SLR but must have a proper focusing ring just in case I need to focus manually.

Life view is a must and so do tilting or rotating LCD display.

And I want a separate button just for setting the ISO.

When I set the shutter speed dial to 'P' and an aperture ring to 'A', it will be on a fully programmed mode.

When I set the shutter speed dial to 'P' and an aperture ring to 'selected aperture', it will be on a aperture priority mode.

When I set the shutter speed dial to 'selected speed' and an aperture ring to 'A', it will be on a shutter priority mode.

When I set the shutter speed dial to 'selected speed' and an aperture ring to 'selected aperture', it will be on a fully manual mode.

And so on... and so on............

Some how, I just have this feeling that it will be much better that way. But this is just my opinion. May be due to my previous experiences with filed SLR.

What about you? How would you like your DSLR?

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